Source code for partycls.cell

Simulation cell.

This class is inspired by the framework `atooms <>`_
authored by `Daniele Coslovich <>`_.

import numpy

[docs]class Cell: """ Orthorhombic cell. Attributes ---------- side : numpy.ndarray List of lengths for the sides of the cell. periodic : numpy.ndarray Periodicity of the cell on each axis. """ def __init__(self, side, periodic=None): """ Parameters ---------- side : list List of lengths for the sides of the cell. periodic : list, default: None Periodicity of the cell on each axis. Default is ``None`` (sets ``True``) in each direction. Example ------- >>> c = Cell([2.0, 2.0, 2.0], periodic=[True, True, True ]) """ self.side = numpy.asarray(side, dtype=numpy.float64) # Periodic boundary conditions apply separately on each axis if periodic is None: self.periodic = numpy.empty_like(self.side, dtype=bool) self.periodic[:] = True else: self.periodic = numpy.asarray(periodic, dtype=bool) @property def volume(self): """ Volume of the cell. """ return def __str__(self): return 'Cell(side={}, periodic={}, volume={})'.format(self.side, self.periodic, self.volume) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()